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Kim Pardue Talks

Joe Murphy and Kim Pardue talk about trophies, awards, and jodhpurs.

Bill Hearn Talks

Joe Murphy talks to one of his former college roommates, Bill Hearn, about  accolades received as a child.

Pat Oglesby Talks

Joe Murphy talks to his old friend, Pat Oglesby, about how athletic and academic awards differ and about  the awarding of laurel wreathes.

Daughter's Inheritance    

Melanie Murphy talks to her dad, Joe, about batteries and plaques.

Kim & Karen Talk

Kim & Karen Pardue talk about their trophies.

Joe Murphy's Garage Sale

Jeff Goodman talks to Joe Murphy as he prepares to sell a lot of his belongings and move out of the house he has lived in for 30 years. He questions Murphy about his attachment to items he is getting rid of and the absurdity of thinking people might be interested in buying it.

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